Education - Branding + Communications for Schools

You’re a Superintendent.
Executive Director.
Communications Department of One.
Community Education Director.

Whether it’s recruiting new students, informing current families, promoting your district as a good investment, refreshing your logo, or engaging your community pre-referendum, we can help you up your game.

Superintendents. Is competition from surrounding area districts reducing your enrollment? Do you need a communications plan that aligns with your strategic plan? Does your current logo reflect your district mission and values? (Or is it just an athletics logo dressed up as a district mark?) Do you need to inform your community about an upcoming referendum?

Executive Directors. Are you looking to promote your charter school? Is the competition raising the stakes? Do you have a unique education model that would benefit from a brand video? Are you current with social media? Has your charter gone through a new strategic planning process? Is your logo still reflective of your new mission?

Communications Specialists. You just landed your first school communications role. You just were asked to create a new website for your district or charter school. The school board just voted to go out for a referendum. You are excited but nervous because you don’t have enough internal bandwidth to successfully manage it all. You need an extra hand, a virtual teammate, someone who can help lead the way or just take something off your plate. Someone with expertise and experience who will complement your style and make you shine.

Community Education Directors. You need a fresh new look for your catalog. You are looking for help building a recruitment program that captures the hearts of new families and invites them into the school district family. From early childhood family education to preschool to adult education, we have the experience you need to create a strong, vibrant program.

Whatever your school communications needs, MP+G can help. We work with school districts across the state (and nationally). We know public education and will help you tell your story to achieve the results you are looking for. 

Recruit. Retain. Inform. Engage.

We are your public education pros.

Mom with baby in Westonka Public Schools onesie



  • Do you need help understanding your target audience?

  • Creating a marketing campaign to recruit new families and students?

  • Engaging your community? Informing taxpayers?


  • Do you need help creating an enewsletter?

  • Updating your website?

  • Creating a community education catalog of classes?

Let us help you find your brand’s passion!